Disclosure(s): No financial relationships to disclose
Kayla Ashlee, ABOC, NCLE: No financial relationships to disclose
Most have a hard time visualizing how they could merchandise their optical differently. Think of small shops you’ve visited where you wanted to stay and linger a little longer. That feeling is a result of ideal retail merchandising. It creates an energy and experience. And it is being created in independent opticals everywhere! We’ll walk through optimizing your optical through frame inventory management and merchandising that will keep your patients wanting to stay and shop.
Learning Objectives:
Upon conclusion of this activity, attendees will be able to:
Reflect on what patients experience in the optical environment
Establish proven methods of frame management & planning
Describe to their colleagues why merchandising practices are key to customer engagement & practice growth
Understand the concepts and methods to proper reordering habits to maximize your investment in frame buying
Demonstrate how sunglasses should be displayed in the optical to encourage second pair sales
Formulate a proven plan of action for improvements in managing frame inventory to strengthen the business